The Importance of Amazon FBA Shipment Management Software

Processes, Processes, Processes. You’re probably fed up with us shouting about how important efficiency is. Sellerfuse tries to take away as much admin burden as possible, and that’s why I want to show you our Amazon FBA Shipment Manager Software.

We are biased, but think this is the best Amazon FBA shipping integration on the market. Oh, and it’s included in your membership by default alongside your sales tracking dashboards. You know how we like giving out some free value tools!

Amazon Shipping Integration

Shipments are a key part of the process for Amazon FBA sellers. Quite simply, if you don’t ship items, they can’t sell (uness you’re in the FBM game, but then we don’t need a Shipment Manager anyway!)

We have released the Shipment Manager for Amazon FBA, which tracks every single shipment that you send. In addition to providing you the shipments, you can see a breakdown of every SKU that’s included in these shipments.

We track the full process of your shipment. From the moment that UPS collect this from you, to the point where this is physically checked in at Amazon and put on sale on your storefront.

Shipment Manager: Breakdown of Inventory Shipped

Your Inventory is important. We understand this, and we have implemented a full tracking solution, which allows you to track your items from your door, to Amazon’s warehouses.

Using the Cost of Goods that you provide, we provide you with a full Total Cost of Shipment, which you can then use to track the total value. In addition to this, we give you an estimated profit.

At current, we work this to a 22% Average from your Total Cost of Shipment, but we are fine tuning this and will soon be altering this to provide you a better estimate using your item listing price.

Amazon Shipping Management Service Tool

In addition to giving you the information points regarding the Total Cost of Shipment & Estimated Profit, you can see a deeper dive into your shipments.

We show you exactly how many units have been shipped and how many have been received. If there’s an issue, you’ll see a warning sign. If the shipment is checked in OK, you’ll see an OK status.

If you’re an experienced seller, you’ll know full well that sometimes, Amazon just fails to receive shipments. It’s quite frustrating, and can lead to you losing money.

Amazon Shipment Manager Tool

This tool forms the foundations for you to be able to contact Amazon, and make a case for missing items. Look at the above shipment, one of our Beta Testers shipped in £415.04 worth of items, and it was all lost.

The Shipment Manager alerted them to this, and a case was raised with Amazon Seller Central. Yes, the seller had to jump through the usual hoops of providing invoices and proving ownership of the item, but this is definitely worth it when it comes to a £415 shortfall.

Partially Received Shipments on Amazon

Partially received shipments are a real headache on Amazon too. I’ve cut back on selling now, as it’s not really ethical to handle my customers ASIN’s, Sales Data & sell myself. But when I did, this caused some pain in my household.

My partner used to prep for me, allowing me to continue sourcing. I think you know what’s coming next.

Sometimes a shipment was checked into Amazon, like the below. Have a good look.

The Units Shipped do not match the units received. This is a common issue with Amazon Fulfiment Centers, I’m not sure exactly sure what goes on but we do find discrepancies, and sometimes quite often.

Now, my mistake, was to go directly to the Prepper, and advise her immediately that she was the cause for the problem. That was a big mistake, and almost lost me the Free Packaging & Prep contract I have.

Quite often, you will find that Amazon under-receive, which means that your stock becomes lost. It can get expensive too.

How our Amazon Shipment Management Tool Can Help

We first found out the power of the Shipment Manager tool for Amazon Sellers, when we were in beta. The users dashboards loaded, and I remember three specific users came to me, querying the data.

I thought great, I’ve got an issue when I thought it was ready to launch. After checking the data, we found that the app was fine. It was Amazon.

The first user advised me that they were a few units short of a specific SKU they had shipped in. Not too bad a deal, but still £68 of stock unaccounted for, and at a cost to him. The case was raised right away, he provided proof of ownership and Amazon reimbursed him £73. That’s a £5 profit, but it’s still disappointing as it’s less than he would’ve got by actually selling them.

User two advised that a shipment had been completely lost. His Ledger actually showed as Damaged Inbound, so UPS will have damaged or destroyed the parcel whilst the item is in their possession. Again, this needed a case raising and he recovered just over £650. I’ve checked this user and he’s claimed over £2,000 since registering with us, so I’m taking that as a win.

The same story unfolded for user three, who operates on a smaller scale. He noticed a few units were missing from a shipment, but was a little concerned as this was a few months back. We advised that this was not a problem, and we walked them through opening a case.

How does this tool work?

The best part of all, this tool works all on it’s own. You don’t have to import any data, you don’t have to mess around manually entering your shipments.

When you link your Sellerfuse account with Amazon, we monitor your shipments and update all of the information automatically.

Using the filters, you can specifically drill down looking for shipments that were not fully received, which includes not received at all. Then you can check your shipments with issues.

To make things even easier, you will get a notification if your shipment has been closed and not checked in as complete, to save you a little bit of admin.

We are constantly working to improve all of our tools, so stay tuned for updates. If you aren’t a member yet, remember you can get a 7 day free trial.

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