What Is SellerFuse?

Have you just found Sellerfuse? In this article, we explain what our software does, and how you can benefit.

Tom Paddock
Tom Paddock -
What Is SellerFuse?

In this article, we will explain to you exactly what SellerFuse is, and how it can help you. Whether you're an Amazon FBA Seller, eBay Seller or a Reseller in a cook group, we have something for you.

This is our first article since launching SellerFuse, so in many ways this is a Welcome! We are super excited to have launched, and even happier to onboard our first customers.

This article is to help introduce us, but also explain what our product is. TLDR? If you're a seller, an Amazon FBA pro, a reseller, or even an established Ticket Seller, SellerFuse is here to make your life a whole lot easier and more profitable.

So, What is SellerFuse?

SellerFuse is a complete suite of tools, setup to help any person that's selling online. It's mainly targeted towards Amazon FBA Sellers, but we also have some leading integrations with eBay, Viagogo & Stubhub.

Here’s what we offer:

  • Amazon Marketplace Integration - For FBA and FBM sellers to associate their account and receive insights, analytics and Profit Dashboards. A real Swiss Army Knife for Amazon, if we say so ourselves.
  • eBay Integration - For eBay Sellers to view their insights & profit dashboards. It's a fully blown eBay Seller toolkit.
  • Cashflow Management Tools
  • Tickets Hub - If you're a Ticket/Event Reseller, this one will excite you. Track Everything, from Sale to Payout.
  • Purchasing & Sourcing Sheets - Our beta testers say this is worth the fee alone. A fully managed system where you can track your purchases and analyse deals.
  • A Seller Community - Sellers should guide other sellers. We've made a community where we can do just that. We are all on the same team.

There's so much more too, but you can take a look at our Features page to view exactly what you get.

Plus, we are constantly developing. Next up on our list, is something to help Shopify and Etsy Sellers. The world really is your Oyster, and our plan is to fuse everything into one.

How Will SellerFuse Benefit me?

If you're an Online Seller, you'll make good use of our tools. We find that Amazon FBA sellers often have eBay accounts too, so merged all of our tools into friendly priced subscriptions.

How can I register?

It couldn't be easier to get started. To sweeten the deal, we've even added a Free Trial period for New Customers.

Simply Register for Your Account, where you will automatically be given a Free Trial. After this, Associate Your Amazon Seller Central Account & your dashboards will be populated with data.

Note, once linked, it does take between 10 and 30 minutes to populate your data, but we always send out a friendly email, letting you know when it's time to login.


So that's our brief explanation of SellerFuse. We've put countless nights of work into this platform, and thank our 10 Beta Testers endlessly for their commitment to this project.

Next, it's your turn to Register! We can't wait to see you on the App. Don't forget to post a welcome message and say Hi!