How Much Money do you need to Start Amazon FBA?

You might be interested in starting Amazon FBA, but unsure how much you actually need to start.

How Much Money do you need to Start Amazon FBA?

Starting an Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) business can be an exciting venture, but one of the first questions that comes to mind is: how much do you actually need to get started?

As someone who has been through the process myself, I can assure you that the initial investment required can vary depending on several factors. You might actually be shocked at how much we think you need.

In this article, I'll break down the key aspects to consider when calculating the amount you'll need to kickstart your Amazon FBA journey.

First and foremost, it's important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The amount you'll need will depend on factors such as the type of products you plan to sell, the scale at which you want to operate, and your overall business strategy.

However, to give you a general idea, I'll discuss the main expenses you're likely to encounter when starting your Amazon FBA business. By the end of this article, you'll have a clearer understanding of the financial aspects involved and be better equipped to plan your budget accordingly.

So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established seller looking to expand your online presence, join me as I delve into the world of Amazon FBA and uncover the costs involved in getting your business up and running.

Let's dive in and discover how much you really need to start your own successful Amazon FBA venture.

Factors to Consider when Calculating the Initial Investment

When calculating the initial investment required to start an Amazon FBA business, there are several important factors to consider. These factors will vary depending on your specific business model and goals. Let's take a closer look at some key considerations:

  1. Product Selection: The type of products you choose to sell on Amazon FBA will have a significant impact on the initial investment required. If you buy £2 lipsticks, you're going to be able to purchase far more than if you were buying Women's Haidryers. However, the profit margins will be completely different.

If doing Private Label, some products may have higher manufacturing or sourcing costs, while others may require specialized packaging or branding. Conduct thorough market research to understand the potential costs involved in sourcing and selling your chosen products.

  1. Inventory Costs: One of the major expenses you will encounter with Amazon FBA is inventory. It's important to estimate how much inventory you will need to have on hand to meet customer demand, as well as the cost of purchasing that inventory. Take into account factors such as minimum order quantities, lead times, and potential storage fees charged by Amazon. This works in both ways, and although it's good to be selling out, you need to ensure you have enough stock either inbound to Amazon, or in stock so you can continue to sell.

  2. Shipping and Logistics: Another factor to consider is the cost of shipping your products to Amazon fulfillment centers. Depending on the size and weight of your items, shipping costs can vary significantly. It's essential to research and budget for shipping expenses to ensure you can deliver your products to customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. You'll also learn to package your items better, as the more you can fit inside your package the better off you'll be.

  3. Amazon Fees: As an Amazon FBA seller, you will be subject to various fees and charges. These can include referral fees, fulfillment fees, and monthly subscription fees, among others. Familiarize yourself with Amazon's fee structure and calculate these costs into your initial investment calculations. Typically, you won't need to worry about paying them, as they come out of your account balance. The minute you make the sale, you'll be paying your fees to Amazon.

  4. Marketing and Advertising: While not directly tied to the start-up costs, it's important to budget for marketing and advertising expenses to promote your products and drive sales. Amazon offers various advertising options, such as Sponsored Products and Amazon DSP, which can help increase your product visibility and reach a wider customer base. This doesn't really matter if you're a Online Arbitrage Seller.

These are just a few of the factors to consider when calculating the initial investment required for an Amazon FBA business. It's crucial to take the time to research and estimate all potential expenses, as this will allow you to create a realistic budget and set achievable financial goals. Remember, every business is unique, so it's essential to tailor your financial calculations to your specific circumstances. By thorough planning and budgeting, you can set yourself up for success in your Amazon FBA venture.

Type of Products and Inventory Costs

When starting an Amazon FBA business, one of the key factors to consider is the type of products you choose to sell and the associated inventory costs. Your product selection can greatly impact your initial investment and ongoing expenses. Here are a few important points to keep in mind:

  1. Product Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify products with high demand and profit potential. Look for items that are not oversaturated in the market and have a good sales history. This research will help you make informed decisions about the type of products to invest in. You can skip this though, with Selleramp.

  2. Initial Inventory Investment: Once you've identified the products you want to sell, you'll need to consider the initial investment required to purchase the inventory. The cost of inventory can vary greatly depending on the type of products you choose. Some products may have lower manufacturing costs, while others may require a significant upfront investment. Carefully analyze your budget and determine how much you can allocate towards inventory.

  3. Ongoing Inventory Costs: In addition to the initial investment, it's essential to factor in the ongoing inventory costs. This includes restocking inventory as products sell, managing storage fees, and handling returns. Amazon charges storage fees based on the size and weight of your inventory, so it's important to optimize your inventory management to minimize these costs.

  4. Seasonality and Demand Fluctuations: Consider the seasonality of the products you choose. Certain products may experience peak demand during holidays or specific times of the year. It's crucial to understand the seasonal trends and plan your inventory accordingly. Overestimating or underestimating demand can lead to unnecessary expenses or missed opportunities.

Tools and Software Expenses

When starting an Amazon FBA business, it's essential to consider the tools and software you'll need to run your operations efficiently. While some tools are free or have minimal costs, others may require a more significant investment. Here are a few tools and software expenses to be aware of:

  1. Research Tools: To find profitable products and niches, you'll need tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, or AMZScout. These tools provide data on sales estimates, competition levels, and keyword research to help you make informed decisions. The cost for these tools usually ranges from £40 to £100 per month, depending on the features you need.

  2. Listing Optimization Software: To create compelling product listings and improve your search rankings, you may want to invest in listing optimization software like AMZTracker, Viral Launch, or SellerApp. These tools help you optimize your keywords, track your competitors, and enhance your product's visibility. The cost for these tools generally starts at around £30 per month, depending on the package you choose.

  3. Inventory Management Tools: As your inventory grows, you'll need a reliable inventory management tool to track your stock levels, manage reordering, and facilitate smooth operations. We can only advise that if you aren't a member with us yet, to get signed up!

  4. PPC Management Software: Running effective PPC campaigns is crucial for driving traffic and sales. Tools like Sellics, Ignite by Seller Labs, or Helium 10's Cerebro can help you optimize your Amazon advertising efforts and maximize your ROI. The cost for these tools typically ranges from £50 to £150 per month, depending on your monthly advertising spend.

Remember, while investing in these tools can help streamline your business and boost your chances of success, it's essential to evaluate their costs against the potential benefits they provide. Conduct thorough research, read reviews, and consider starting with the tools that align with your budget and immediate needs. As your business grows, you can always upgrade to more advanced tools to further optimize your operations.

Warehousing and Storage Fees

When starting an Amazon FBA business, it's important to consider the costs associated with warehousing and storage. As part of the FBA program, Amazon handles the storage and shipping of your products. While this convenience can save you time and effort, it does come at a cost.

Amazon FBA storage fees are based on the volume of space your inventory occupies in their warehouses. The larger your inventory, the more you can expect to pay in storage fees. These fees are typically calculated on a monthly basis and can vary depending on the time of year. Amazon has a storage fee calculator that I find really helpful for estimating these costs. Again, you don't have to worry about this too much, unless you're faced with stock that you can't sell for a long period of time. Why?

In addition to the standard storage fees, Amazon also charges long-term storage fees for items that have been stored for over 365 days. These fees are significantly higher and serve as an incentive for sellers to keep their inventory moving. It's important to plan your inventory levels carefully to avoid incurring these extra costs.

As your business grows, you may need to consider off-site warehousing , a Prep Center, to supplement Amazon's storage capacity. This can be particularly important if you're selling larger or heavier items that take up more space. Off-site warehousing allows you to store excess inventory and manage your own fulfillment process. However, it's essential to factor in the costs associated with renting or leasing warehouse space, as well as the additional expenses of handling and shipping products yourself.

When calculating the initial investment for your Amazon FBA business, don't forget to include the costs of warehousing and storage. Be sure to consider the seasonality of your products and fluctuations in demand, as these factors can impact your storage fees. By planning ahead and understanding the costs involved, you can better manage your cash flow and ensure the profitability of your Amazon FBA venture.

Now that we've covered the warehousing and storage fees, let's move on to the next crucial aspect: Amazon fees.

Packaging and Shipping Costs

When starting an Amazon FBA business, it's essential to consider the packaging and shipping costs involved. These expenses can vary depending on the size and weight of your products and the distance they need to be shipped. Properly estimating these costs is crucial to ensure profitability and manage cash flow effectively. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Packaging Materials: You'll need to invest in appropriate packaging materials to protect your products during transit. This may include boxes, bubble wrap, tape, labels, and other packaging supplies. The cost of these materials can add up, so it's essential to factor them into your initial investment calculations. For Online Arbitrage sellers, it's incredibly important to keep the boxes that your items are delivered in, as quite often you can send them back in with these.

  2. Shipping and Delivery: Amazon FBA handles the shipping and delivery of your products to customers. However, you're responsible for getting your products to the Amazon warehouse. Depending on the size and weight of your items, you may choose to use a courier service or a freight forwarder. Be sure to research and compare shipping rates to find the most cost-effective solutions for your business. For 99% of items, you'll be able to send these in using the Partnered by UPS programme, which makes things quite cheaper for you.

  3. International Shipping: If you're planning to sell internationally, you'll need to consider the additional costs associated with shipping products to different countries. This includes customs duties, taxes, and any other fees imposed by the destination country. It's crucial to research and understand these charges to avoid any surprises and accurately estimate your initial investment.

  4. Amazon Packaging Requirements: Amazon has specific packaging requirements that sellers must adhere to. Non-compliance can lead to additional charges or even the removal of your listings. Familiarize yourself with Amazon's guidelines and ensure that your packaging meets their standards. This may include using specific box sizes, including suffocation warning labels for certain products, or avoiding excessive packaging materials.

By accurately assessing your packaging and shipping costs, you'll be able to determine the initial investment needed to start your Amazon FBA business. Remember to keep track of these expenses ongoingly as they can impact your margins and overall profitability. Planning ahead and understanding these costs will help you make informed decisions and set realistic pricing for your products.

Marketing and Advertising Budget

As an Amazon FBA seller, it's crucial to allocate a budget for marketing and advertising. While Amazon provides a platform for selling your products, you still need to promote them to stand out in a competitive marketplace. Here are a few key points to consider when planning your marketing and advertising budget:

  1. Amazon PPC Campaigns: Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns are an effective way to drive traffic to your product listings and increase sales. With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. It's essential to set aside a substantial budget for PPC campaigns, especially in the early stages of launching your business.

  2. Social Media Marketing: In addition to Amazon PPC, leveraging social media platforms can help create brand awareness and drive traffic to your Amazon listings. Consider allocating a portion of your marketing budget towards social media advertising and influencer collaborations to reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.

  3. Email Marketing: Building an email list of potential customers is a valuable asset for any Amazon FBA business. By sending regular newsletters, product updates, and promotional offers to your subscribers, you can nurture relationships and drive repeat purchases. Be sure to account for email marketing service costs in your budget.

  4. Product Launch Strategies: A successful product launch requires careful planning and execution. It's important to invest in launch strategies such as promotional discounts, giveaways, and product sampling to generate buzz and attract initial sales. Allocate a budget specifically for these launch activities to maximize your product's visibility.

  5. Amazon Review Programs: Positive reviews play a significant role in influencing purchase decisions on Amazon. Utilizing Amazon review programs or incentivizing customers to leave reviews can help boost your product's reputation and increase its ranking. Allocate a portion of your marketing budget for these review-generating strategies.

  6. External Advertising Channels: Apart from advertising within Amazon, consider exploring external advertising channels such as Google Ads, influencer partnerships, or content marketing on relevant blogs or websites. These channels can help expand your reach beyond Amazon's platform and attract potential customers.

Remember, marketing and advertising are ongoing investments, and it's important to regularly evaluate and adjust your budget based on the performance and ROI of different strategies. By allocating a sufficient budget towards these activities, you'll be able to effectively promote your products, increase sales, and ultimately, maximize your success on the Amazon FBA platform.

Other Miscellaneous Expenses

When calculating the initial investment required to start an Amazon FBA business, it's crucial to consider other miscellaneous expenses that may often be overlooked. These expenses can vary depending on the specific business model and can significantly impact your overall budget. Here are a few miscellaneous expenses to keep in mind:

  1. Professional Services: Hiring professionals such as lawyers, accountants, or business consultants can be beneficial, especially if you're new to the world of e-commerce. They can help ensure legal compliance and provide guidance on tax obligations, accounting practices, and business strategy. While these services come with a cost, they can save you valuable time and money in the long run.

  2. Software and Tools: To run a successful Amazon FBA business, you'll likely need to invest in various software and tools that streamline your operations. These may include inventory management software, keyword research tools, analytics platforms, and email marketing software. While some software options are free or offer basic functionality, investing in premium versions can provide more advanced features and help you gain a competitive edge.

  3. Photography and Graphic Design: High-quality product images and appealing graphics are essential for attracting customers on Amazon. Investing in professional photography services or graphic design software can enhance the overall look and feel of your product listings, leading to higher conversion rates. Remember, in the online marketplace, strong visual elements can make a significant difference in your bottom line.

  4. Product Research and Testing: Conducting thorough research and testing before launching a product is critical to its success. This may involve purchasing and testing samples, market analysis, competitor research, and gathering customer feedback. Allocating a budget for product research and testing can help you make informed decisions and increase the chances of finding a profitable product niche.

  5. Trademark and Branding: Registering your brand with Amazon's Brand Registry can provide additional benefits and protection. This process includes registering trademarks, designing logos or packaging, and establishing a unique brand identity. While the cost may vary based on the specific requirements, investing in trademark and branding efforts can help establish credibility and prevent counterfeiting.

Remember, while these miscellaneous expenses may seem like additional costs, they are worthwhile investments that can contribute to the long-term success of your Amazon FBA business. Strive to allocate a reasonable budget for these expenses to ensure a solid foundation for your venture.


Calculating the initial investment required to start an Amazon FBA business involves considering various factors. These factors include product selection, inventory costs, shipping and logistics, Amazon fees, and marketing and advertising expenses. However, it's important to also account for other miscellaneous expenses that can contribute to the overall investment.

Professional services, software and tools, photography and graphic design, product research and testing, and trademark and branding are all additional expenses that should be taken into consideration. Allocating a budget for these expenses is crucial for the long-term success of your Amazon FBA business.

By carefully evaluating all these factors and expenses, you can determine the amount of capital you need to get started with Amazon FBA. Remember, investing in your business is essential for growth and profitability. So, make sure to plan and budget accordingly to set yourself up for success in the competitive world of Amazon FBA.

If I had to put a figure on how much you needed to start Amazon FBA, I'd say £2,500. This would require careful planning and purchasing though, as you can't really afford a bad purchase. Which every seller will have, at some point!